
Tuesday, 28 August 2018

The greatest plot twist, ever.

 “WHAM! Life throws you a curved ball”

For me, a curved ball here means a plot twist. Things were going relatively well in one direction and I was just feeling proud of myself that I’ve got it all figured out. I’ve been praying for God to use the gift He has bestowed upon me in theatre for His purposes because it has been rather impossible for me to find ways to reconcile the use of theatre in His kingdom. Other than teaching it and perhaps using it on stage to communicate a message I didn’t think it was that powerful or significant. I really wanted something I feel strongly about pursuing for His sake (that being said, I also know God can use anything for His glory, this was just my personal issues with theatre being used in the Christian context).

Anyway! It was during this moment of uncertainty that I came to find out about Playback Theatre. Being focused on the community its serving and in giving the audience the voice for its work, I really thought it was very different from what I’ve been learning and that it does have a place in God’s world. I can imagine it being used in evangelistic events where a community can be invited to tell their story and be ministered by the conductor and the performance. Perhaps it can also be used with believers to substitute their personal sharing – not just spoken but through the actors’ showing. Good Playback just have this inexplicable magic. I myself experienced its therapeutic effect as an audience member telling my story and also, there were many elements about this form of theatre that reminds me of Christianity. In my mind, I was really glad to be able to reconcile theatre with meaningful Christian work. 

So, I set out to find opportunities to learn more about this artform and was blessed with many enriching encounters – other than open rehearsals and performances by Tapestry Playback Theatre, I also managed to attend local and international training workshops and conferences, brought students overseas for Playback oriented projects and participated in a performance of my own. I really thought I could use Playback mightily to do His work.

Then, I got this. 

This ‘curved ball’ must be God’s way of saying

I really thought Playback was the answer. My answer at least, since many Playback doors opened for me and I was really enjoying every minute of my development in this intriguing but humble artform – especially the opportunity I received to travel to NYC to train under Jo Salas and Hannah Fox (wife and daughter of Playback Theatre’s founder, Jonathan Fox).

My NYC escapade 1 - Core Training in PB theatre

My NYC escapade 2 - Active Conducting (with JO SALAS)
Yes, this is me with the legendary JO SALAS :) 

My NYC escapade 3 - Advanced Skills in Playback Theatre (WITH HANNAH FOX)

My NYC escapade 4 - changed from Pay it Forward: PB for Youth class to this: 
Implicit & Explicit Oppression in PB Theatre

This plot twist was certainly a very bitter pill to swallow and I’m probably still swallowing it because I’m somehow still uncomfortable with letting the theatre community know about my condition. I haven’t been attending any theatre events/performances because I do not want to bump into any familiar people who haven’t seen me in a long time to see how handicapped I am now. Then I’d have to spend time and a great effort at explaining everything to people I don’t really care much for.

But! I’ve learned that it is actually better for people around me to know about my condition. Other than not being able to hide the symptoms anymore, it’s a quick and easy way to earn respect (for having to deal with this ailment). Haha. Ok. It’s just easier to cope when people around understand a little more about why I do (or don’t do) certain things or why certain things must be done in a certain way for me. So, please be patient with me as I take my time… I’m still gazing at this ‘curved ball’ I’ve managed to catch – probably with my teeth since my arms lack that coordination and dexterity…